[ 박소진 개인전 ]
2024 08. 08 THU --- 08. 14 WED
Gallery H.art bridge
EENT (해상박명종)
: End of Evening Nautical Twilight
황혼, 일몰 시부터 48분 후까지의 시간.
일몰 후 태양이 수평선 아래 12도에 있을 때
BMNT (항해박명초)
: Beginning Of Morning Nautical Twilight
여명, 일출 48분 전부터 일출까지의 시간.
일출 전 태양이 수평선에서 12도 아래에 있을 때의 시간
박소진 (Park So Jin)
경북대학교 미술학과 서양화 전공 석사 재학
경북대학교 미술학과 서양화 전공 학사 졸업
2024 EENT - BMNT, 갤러리 H.아트브릿지, 서울
2024 라이브드로잉전: 두번째 이야기, 장생포고래로131, 울산
2024 제7회 키똑전, 키다리갤러리, 대구
2024 제4회 ARTISTART, KT&G 상상마당 부산 갤러리, 부산
2023 대구아트스퀘어 대구권 미술대학 연합전 PLATFORM, 대구예술발전소, 대구
2023 Art Fine Thank You, 갤러리 오모크, 칠곡
2023 경북국제현대미술제 다부동미술구하기, 갤러리 오모크, 칠곡
2024 울산국제아트페어, 울산전시컨벤션센터 UECO, 울산
나는 야경을 소재로 하여 ‘도시에서 느낄 수 있는 해방감’을표현한다.
끝없이 도시화가 이루어지는 현대 사회에서 우리가 도시에서 살아간다는 것은 선택이기 보다 변화되는 사회 속에서 살아가기 위해 필수적으로 이루어지는 과정이 될 거라고 생각한다. 그래서 나는 도시에서 찾을 수 있는 아름다움에 집중했다.
높은 곳에서 내려다보는 도시의 야경은 아름답다. 사람의 모습은 잘 보이지 않고, 빛이 들지 않아 검은색으로 보이는 공간들은 채워지기보다 텅 빈 것처럼 느껴졌다. 또한 가까이서 보던 크고 높은 건물들이 작아져 답답함이 사라진 노란색 빛으로 가득한 야경은 나에게 따뜻하고 편안한 느낌으로 다가온다. 힘들게만 느껴져 답답하던 것들이 시간이 지나면 아무것도 아니게 되는 것처럼 해방감이라는 감정이 시각적으로 다가왔다.
큰 소음과 복잡한 도시의 모습을 보는 사람들에게 사소하지만 고요하고, 편안한 도시의 모습을 보여줌으로써 도시에서 느낄 수 있는 아름다움과 평온함을 느끼게 해주고 싶다.
Park So Jin
Master of fine arts, Kyungpook National University.
Bachelor of fine arts, Kyungpook National University.
Solo Exhibition
2024 EENT - BMNT, gallery H.artbridge, Seoul
Group Exhibitions
2024 Live Drawing Exhibition: Second Story," Jangsaengpo Whale Road 131, Ulsan
2024 7th Kitto Exhibition, Kidari Gallery, Daegu
2024 4th ARTISTART, KT&G Sangsangmadang Busan Gallery, Busan
2023 Daegu Art Square Daegu Regional University Art Union Exhibition PLATFORM, Daegu Art Factory, Daegu
2023 Art Fine Thank You, Gallery Omoke, Chilgok
2023 Gyeongbuk International Contemporary Art Festival Save Dabudong Art, Gallery Omoke, Chilgok
Art Fairs
2024 Ulsan International Art Fair, Ulsan Exhibition Convention Center (UECO)
Artist Statement
When thinking about drawing simply, it’s just something I do because it brings me joy. As a child, I was considered one of those kids who could draw well. It was a special talent, if I may say so. It was also the first thing I worked hard at with ambition. Drawing always brought me happiness, and although there were many difficult times, the joyful memories far outweigh them, making drawing something truly good for me.
Filling a blank canvas with things I love often gave me a sense of fulfillment, allowing me to create my own world on a single canvas. Creating things with my own hands that I couldn’t possess in reality brought me immense satisfaction. While drawing small objects, items, or figures was enjoyable, creating landscapes brought me even greater joy. As a tiny human, like a speck of dust in the universe, it is difficult to own a vast world. But capturing landscapes on canvas allowed me to have a large world. Thus, I draw to have my own world.
I became particularly interested in nightscapes, stemming from my move from the quiet countryside of Cheorwon County, Gangwon Province, to the city. The tranquility and serenity of the rural landscape provided me with stability, but the noise and crowds of people in the city always made me uneasy.
Liberation is the pleasure of feeling free from the stress or emotional pressures of daily life. These pressures can include physical, emotional, and social desires pervasive in everyday life. Humans constantly strive for better and greater things, which I believe causes a lot of stress.
The place where I grew up has now changed from houses to apartments. Watching this transformation, I wondered if all living spaces would eventually change to resemble cities. In a modern society where urbanization is endlessly progressing, living in the city is no longer a choice but a necessary process to adapt to a changing society. Through my work, I want to show people the subtle, calm, and comfortable aspects of the city amidst the loud and complex urban environment, allowing them to feel the beauty and tranquility that can be found in the city.
To view nightscapes, one must distance oneself from objects and buildings to avoid the intense artificial lights that strain the eyes. From a distance and a high vantage point, the city’s nightscape is beautiful. Everything looks smaller. People’s figures are hardly visible, and the areas where light doesn’t reach appear more empty than filled. Additionally, the large and tall buildings that seemed oppressive up close become smaller, and the nightscape filled with yellow light gives me a warm and comforting feeling. The feelings of oppression and difficulty seem to disappear over time, visually conveying a sense of liberation.
I use horizontal compositions and warm colors to make viewers feel comfortable and stable. Yellow light offers a cozy and snug feeling. People perceive temperature through colors, distinguishing between cool and warm tones. Yellow is a warm color, providing a psychologically warm feeling. Warm temperatures help the body to relax and feel comfortable, which is why nightscapes filled with yellow light feel warm and inviting. I enjoyed looking at the beautiful world I felt alone in, giving me a sense of being left alone in the world. The empty streets and dim shapes bathed in yellow light give me a sense of liberation.
People may not be able to completely eliminate the pressures of daily life, but finding ways to alleviate them, even a little, can help them realize a bit more happiness. Among the many ways to escape these pressures, I believe liberation is one. People may be happy now, but I hope they can become even happier by experiencing liberation.